MensCircleThe ManKind Project hosts ongoing mutual support groups for men primarily who have completed the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA); they are called Integration Groups (IGroups). The intention of an IGroup is to help a man integrate what he learned about himself during the NWTA into his day-to-day life. Men who who choose to sit in an IGroup together help each other become the men they always dreamed of, holding each other accountable, speaking their truths, and supporting each other through life’s challenges.

Some IGroups are closed, which means only men who have completed the NWTA may attend. Other IGroups are open, which means that men who have not completed the NWTA may attend.

Visit an IGroup this week! It’s free and all men, age 18 and above, are welcome. To find an IGroup, see the IGroup Location page.

Imagine a Circle of Men

MagicImagine a circle of men where every one listens, not only to what you say, but to also what’s behind that. Everyone is in tune with your voice, your emotions, your energy―everyone is intent on receiving everything you communicate; where everyone listens to hear the very best in you, even when you can’t hear it in yourself.

Imagine a circle which will remind you of your commitments so you can hold yourself accountable and keep you moving forward toward your dreams and goals.

Imagine a circle of men which is totally curious about your dreams and aspirations, about what it is that makes you tick, what you value, what you are most passionate about in you life; a circle that will help clarify your goals and provide tools for action and learning that lead you to the life you want.

Imagine a circle of men who would absolutely tell you the whole truth about where you are strong, where you sell yourself short, and where someone knows you can handle it and knows that’s what you want.

Imagine an experience where you finally break free of those limiting beliefs that sabotage and they are noticed for what they are and the powerful part of you is called forth with a new set of beliefs. Imagine a circle where you can experience and develop a new leader within you. A place that is safe to be who you really want to be.

This is how a ManKind Project IGroup works. Are you ready for this kind of relationship?